Choosing The Right Silage: Which One Is Best For Cows
Silage is the best fodder for dairy cattle. There is no doubt about it. This fodder is easy to make, store, and feed to cows, buffaloes, and other farm animals. It provides various advantages, such as better health and more high-quality milk yield. It is available in many flavors, such as corn, wheat, and Sugarcane Silage. It leaves us with the query, which one is best for our cows? Although all silage products are packed with nutritional values, each has an advantage over the other. So, choosing the ideal one for our cows will be the most beneficial. Let’s see each one in brief and come to a conclusion.
silage: Corn Silage Bales
are high in energy and digestibility, so are very popular. These
products are used on dairy farms all around the world. Plus, some beef farms
also use this product. It has many benefits.
Highly digestible.
High in energy.
Great taste and smell.
More high-quality milk yield.
Keeps the cows healthy and fit.
The only drawback is that corn lacks protein.
Silage: Wheat Silage is protein-rich silage or fodder for cows, which
also tastes great, and smells nice. We can also use it as a crop to fill our
fields when we lack other crops. Let’s see the benefits of this silage.
Protein-rich fodder.
Easily available.
It can be grown in Indian climates.
However, wheat can easily get damaged in harsh
climates. You should also harvest it quickly to retain nutrition and feed
enough DM. Weight must be checked because it can get bulky fast when taken out
of silos.
silage: Sugarcane is a plant with the most uses for dairy cattle. From
using as fodder to using the leaves as a ration, it is packed with nutrition.
However, there is only one issue, which is availability. I.e., Sugarcane is a
seasonal crop.
In conclusion
Observing the advantages and disadvantages of each,
Silage Agro Private Limited can conclude that corn silage is ideal for dairy
cows. However, other silages can also be fed. We can mix and match rations to
compensate for the fodders’ limitations.
to feed silage to your cows?
It is a bonus section of the blog, so if you already
know it, you can skip it and start reading other blogs on silage because this
fodder is more complex than it sounds; however, if you don’t know yet, please
carefully read till the end.
and underfeeding are not allowed: If you underfeed your cows, the following will
Undernourishment as your cows won’t get sufficient
nutrient value.
Your cows won’t function properly, especially during
Less milk yield.
Poor quality milk yield.
On the other hand, if you overfeed your cows, the
following will happen.
Damages to the rumen, the same which happens to us
when we overeat.
Cows won’t be able to digest the extra, so it will
not be converted to energy and will go to waste.
Each pack of NutriMeal Silage comes
with feed quantity instructions, so you can adequately feed your cows and get
the most benefits.
plenty of water: Water helps your cows digest silage quickly when
other rations, too: Experts also recommend mixing and matching rations.
So do we at Silage Agro Private Limited.
This concludes our blog on the best silage for cows.
Thank you for reading.
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