Way To Store Silage
Farmers are not much aware about the silage storing methods. Due to this they replace silage with green feed stocks before realizing why silage is superior for dairy cattle?
silages for animals forms the crucial requirement, restoring it
with any other feed stock will impact the productivity of cows. With little
maintenance and paying attention at harvesting and storing methods we can
ensure highly productive silage.
storage ways will vary due to various factors like harvesting method, packing
method, chopping method and others. Thus, it is necessary for us to get
information of every factor.
are factors which securefinest practices
of reserving silages:
Packing process
cannot even try to ignore this process as this is one of the key methods of
storing silage.
achieve maximum packing density, it is important for us to pay attention at
packing time. Good loaded silage decreases oxygen level and make silages better
to increase cow milk production.
packed silage has the ability to ferment quickly without use of high yeast and
mould whereas roughly or loosely packed silage is fermented by mixing high
yeast and molds.
or harvesting methods also bump this process.
next time if we need best silage
for cows,
we should study the packing process as well.
Harvesting method
attention to some detail while harvesting process can increase the quality of
silage and make it easy for us to store.
if harvested at wrong maturity or incorrect moisture level can spoil the
quality of feeds.
at proper moisture content for each type of silos should be ensured. To know
the best harvesting time, we must possess the knowledge about moisture content for each type of silages.
Best silage providers in Punjab reaps crop at right time to ensure standard
of cow’s favorite feed.
Moisture content
we want to ensure a high-quality feed is preserved, we should check the
moisture content of silage.
level ofcorn silage (for bunkers)
should be betwixt 65-70% and dry matter betwixt 30-35%.
of moisture for silages stockpiled in upright silos 60-65% and amount of dry
matter should be 35-40%.
matter of alfalfa haylage must be in the middle of 30-40% and amount of
moisture must be 60-70%.
Chopping length
of silages affects the productivity and process of cudmunching. Cautiously
chopped silage abolishes oxygen and initiates a good fermentation process.
theoretic length (TLC) put forward by best
corn silage suppliers in India is:
silage: 3/16”
silage: 3/8” to 1/2"
Silage: 3/4"
are few storing ways for silages. However,
it is not easy for us every time to check all the measures of best silages for cows.
to such issues best silage
suppliers in Indiahave come up
with a solution. They closely monitor each and every step from sowing to
storing to ensure the delivery of high-quality corn silage.
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