Wheat Silage - Best Option For Cattle To Get Maximum Milk

The high-quality feed is crucial for the health of the cow as well as milk production. Wheat silage has become the most popular feed for dairy cows. It is because, if wheat silage is properly ensiled and feed in combination with an appropriately balanced grain ration, it can uphold high milk production. Being the first Indian branded corn silage bale manufacturer, we at Silage Agro are capable of scrutinizing the entire value chain from sowing to storing carefully.

Why use wheat for silage?

Proper old fermentation refers to the process of converting grass sugars to acids. The acids produced help conserve the nutritional value of wheat silage by preventing spoilage micro-organisms from the utilization of nutrients. With the increasing time, dairy farmers are using wheat as silage due to the following characteristics:


       When wheat silage is prepared under favorable conditions, the modest acidity in the forage can improve palatability. It helps in providing a dietary contrast for the dairy animals.


       During the process of fermentation, the wheat silage bacteria act on the cellulose. The carbohydrates in the forage generate VFA that is volatile fatty acids like propionic, acetic, butyric, and lactic acids. The VFAs act as natural preservatives similar to products like lactic acid in yogurt and vinegar in pickled vegetables, and so on.


       High-quality wheat silage is an efficient source of energy, fiber, and protein that promotes animal health. That is why; wheat silage helps cattle to require lots of energy, maximizes milk production, and preserves body condition.

Where to get choose high-quality wheat silage?

The practice of growing small grains such as wheat for silage is highly increasing due to the flexibility of crops. Apart from it, the advanced technology allows the aerobically unstable animal feedstuff to be ensiled. In addition to their consistent nutritional quality, wheat can be a flexible accumulation to most production systems. We at Silage Agro help Indian dairy farmers with the following services:


       Direct and ready to use silage product: Wheat silage has a shelf life of 18 months. You can use it whenever suitable, but once you open it and be exposed to air, it’s highly preferable to consume the entire bale within 2-3 days.


       Increase in milk productivity: Wheat silage is a natural product and highly digestible by animals. Thus, feeding it improves the health of dairy animals and enhances milk productivity. 


       Reasonable price: The best part of the NutriMeal silage is its cost-effectiveness. It makes it a highly reliable source of feed to dairy animals.

Our primary mission is to enhance the productivity of dairy farmers in India. Thus we help you to get the most out of your farm by offering high-quality products and services. 



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