The Benefits of Raising Dairy Calves Together

With the best health services and the improving growth rate, if you are housing dairy calves, then it has benefited herd and your business. According to most of the people, raising calves separately might benefit them. However, researchers say that if you are into group hosting, then you can better care for your calf if you want to look after you calve in a better way and want to have a better understanding for the behaviour then better to prefer raising calves together. We at Silage Agro help of you in nutrition feeding for your calves and you raise them together for highest milk production. This is highly beneficial for your business. Why should you raise calves together? The major fact behind this act is if calves raised inside the home, then they might not get proper ventilation and hence as a risk of developing respiratory problems. When you raise them alone, they do not undergo complete development. Thus, if you group them into pairs but less than eight at one time, the...