Boost Dairy Production by Greater Use Of Corn Silage

DAIRY PRODUCTION can have raised to as much as to round 15 litres of milk per cow from the usual to 5 litres with greater use of fermented corn feed known as silage. Silage is fermented, most high-moisture feed derived from various crops stored in silos among other production methods. Silage is the best method to boost dairy production. The silage can be stored for as little as a week. 


Silage is preserved pasture. It may be a crucial way for farmers to feed cows and sheep during times when pasture is not good, just like the season. Silage is most important factor for the boost dairy production. The process must be administered under acidic conditions (around pH 4-5) so as to stay nutrients and supply a sort of food that cows and sheep will wish to eat. Fermentation at higher pH leads to silage that features a bad taste, and lower amounts of sugars and proteins.

It is also called ensilage, forage plants like corn, legumes that are chopped and stored in tower silos, pits or trenches to be used as cattle’s feed. It should be chopped fine enough to assure good packing and thus the exclusion of air from the mass of chopped material.
Silage are often made up of many field crops, and special terms could also be used counting on type: oatlage for oats, haylage for alfalfa (haylage can also ask high dry matter silage made from hay.


Corn Silage is the best solution to ensure Higher Quality and more milk from your animal’s year round. Every farmer is known about the Corn silage is important food for the cattle and high-quality forage crop that is used on many dairy farms. Its popularity is due to the high yield of a very digestible, high-energy crop, and the ease of adapting it to mechanized harvesting and feeding. Most of the best company deal is silage especially in Punjab and Haryana. Silage Agro Pvt Ltd is Best Silage Company provide quality silage with adequate dry matter. The best part is their deliveries are as per commitment. Some Silage Company is very professional in their business. They consistently maintain best quality in their Silage.

Some best silage company is they provide the quality and dry matter food. They consistently maintain best quality in their Silage. Corn silage is the help to boost milk production.

  • Feed add balance diet
  • Dry treat all cattle’s
  • Make sure stalls have ample bedding
  • Make sure stalls are comfortable
  • Clean bedding from stalls weekly or as needed
  • Trim feet at least an average of 2.3 times/year
  • Treat all cows with sore feet

Corn silage may be a feed that we do not typically feed to beef cows. Corn silage is typically utilized in growing calf and feedlot diets due to its high nutritive value, especially energy. When hays and alfalfas are expensive, corn silage may be a feed that cow/calf producers should consider.


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