Making quality silage: 4 measures you never knew existed

The first rule of making Silage is that once you make a batch of Silage in a year, it becomes an essential ingredient for your feeding program. So if you make poor quality silage in a year, your next year’s feeding schedule will be ruined. In short, silage quality matters. On the other hand, a year of good weather and your excellent silage management skills, when applied, can yield top-quality fodder and perfect health and performance for your cattle. We deal with many factors daily, which are out of our control, and Silage is one of those elements. However, we can control if we understand the elements of growing, chopping, and ensiling Silage. In that case, it can make all the difference between a year of dealing with forage problems and handling borderline milk yield and a year of perfect ruminant health, performance, and prosperity. In this post, we will know how to make quality Silage, but different from usual. We promise you haven’t heard of these four measures...