Get The Most From The Silage Bales With The Right Storage Strategy

The moment farmers bale their silage, losses start. If farmers do not adequately look into it, the losses can become large, becoming a big issue. On the other hand, appropriately protecting their silage bales from elements such as heat, air, etc., can reduce the losses and make the fodder last longer. So what’s the best solution? Causes of loss in silage bales So the big question before handing over the solution is what causes these losses? Here’s the answer. When farmers bare big round silage bales to moisture and directly store them on the ground, it can lead to large-scale losses from water attack, spoilage, pest, and disease problems. High-humidity environments can also spoil these bales quickly if left uncovered. Another factor that affects dry matter losses is the amount of rainfall on unprotected bales. However, rainfall is not the only factor that farmers should consider when predicting DM losses. Microbial respiration can also affect DM losses. It occurs when carbo...