Characteristics of good silage

Silages are the most common feeds used for the dairy cattle. Their never-ending benefits have made them the first choice of dairy farmers. Silages are considered as a rocket fuel for cows which increases cattle milk production . But it should be noticed that silage is not passive feed. Its dynamic nature can make change in the nutritional value with the time. Before purchasing silage for animals , we should possess knowledge about them. Below mentioned are characteristics of good silage - 1. Color Color of silage can indicate potential fermentation problems. Generally, we say it as a green fodder. Right color of silage is said to be yellowish or greenish. Dark brown or black color silages are damaged due to high temperature and they harm the milk productivity of dairy cattle. Silages with yellow color have extra acetic acid and those with green color consists high amount of butyrate. 2. Aroma Like we jud...